Loch Leven offers a variety of settings for your group retreat, organizational meetings or special event. Our facilities provide meeting spaces and overnight accommodations for up to 150 people. Meeting rooms are assigned to overnight groups based on size of group and programming needs.
Campbell Lodge is ideal for medium sized groups and is full of rustic charm. Its spacious great room includes a fireplace, integrated A/V unit, private phone line, wifi access, and forced heat. The dining room can be sectioned off as a break-out area or meeting space.
Campbell Lodge (named for Disciples’ founders Thomas and Alexander Campbell) is the aesthetic and historic heart of our camp and it served the same function in 1928. Built in 1928 and restored in 2014, Campbell combines early 19th-century architecture with modern amenities. It is the only remaining redwood lodge in the San Bernardino National Forest.

Stone Lodge
Stone Lodge features meeting space for 150+ people. Chapman Lounge can be set up theater style or for small group breakout space. It’s impressive stone fireplace serves as a focal point for any gathering. The Dining Hall is the largest room on the property, and can be set up with tables or theater style for big events.

Ross Hoose features a small meeting room with a wood burning stove, perfect as a break-out area or small group meeting space. The large concrete patio outside provides ample space for group barbecues and recreational activities. An evening campfire can also be held in the firepit area next to Ross Hoose.
The grounds along Mountain Home Creek are peppered with pavilions and open areas for tent camping. The pavilions are ideal for small group meetings, providing plenty of shade and privacy when it is needed.

Beneath the dining hall is our business center and lounge. There is a desk with a phone, a printer/fax machine, a full-size refrigerator, coffee service, couches, and wifi access available to all groups on site. Loch Leven is happy to provide some basic tools to help facilitate your retreat or meeting free of charge. Large volumes of copies, stamps, flip charts, etc. may result in an extra fee.
Loch Leven offers full-service breakfast, lunch and dinner for your group, and can accommodate dietary restrictions. Breakfast includes a fruit and cereal bar and juice, in addition to hot food; Lunch and Dinner include punch or lemonade and salad bar. Milk and milk substitutes are available at all meals. Other options include snacks, s’mores, a juice bar, and a hot chocolate/cappuccino machine.
Guests in Campbell Lodge have access to a full kitchen and can work with the Loch Leven staff to prepare and serve their own meals. All guests (in upper and lower camp) are welcome to bring their own snacks. There are guest refrigerators and microwaves available 24 hours in both upper and lower camp.